Surgical Endoscopy Reimagined

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A revolutionary new hybrid endoscope system for physicians.
The OS Inova 1 Endoscopy System is a handheld, wireless enabled endoscope with high-definition visualization. Physicians can attach interchangeable surgical instruments to both see and work simultaneously. The slim, lightweight, and rigid yet flexible design allows you to reach anatomical spaces previously inaccessible by conventional endoscopic methods.
Rotation Dial
Rigid Instrument Attachment Rail
Scope Shaft
Scope Camera
& Light

Your new
handheld tower.
Customize your field of view based on your needs. No cumbersome expensive setup needed.
Portable Control Display
Wired HDMI to Monitor
Wireless HDMI to Monitor
Smart Glasses
Go wireless.
Cut the cord, or many cords. Perform using crystal-clear HD picture to any monitor, wirelessly with digital image rotation.